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You’ll Never Walk Alone


🦋🦋On the 21st February 2019 my dad left us suddenly, no warning. I never got to say goodbye even now it doesn’t feel real, that day a part of me left with him, it’s a pain no one can describe he was only 67. I want to Thank Ashes into glass for my beautiful necklace it is just perfect and now my dad will always be next to my heart wherever I go. I had the engraving you’ll never walk alone as he was a huge Liverpool fan and it was our departing song at his funeral. #Daddysgirl #Ashesintoglass #Inlove 🦋

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Cremation Jewellery – Charm Bead

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“I sadly lost my dad at the end of March this year and my heart was broken. He died unexpectedly at the age of 60. It was such a shock to my family and I and we were all left feeling devastated by our sudden loss. The thing that I found the hardest was coming to terms with the fact that I’d never see or be with my dad again, especially since we were very close and had such a special bond. I had heard about cremation jewellery before I lost my dad and I didn’t really know how I felt about the idea but when he died I longed to have him near to me again and I realised how special cremation jewellery is as it allows this wish to be granted.

I received my Ashes into Glass charm today and I cannot describe how it has made me feel. As soon as I wore it I felt like we were together once again. I chose to have his ashes set in purple glass as it is the colour of his birthstone. I will wear my bracelet every day for the rest of my life and know that my dad is beside me always.

Thank you so much Ashes to Glass for your amazing work. I did a lot of research before ordering my Ashes jewellery as I knew how important it was to use a reputable company and you have really exceeded all of my expectations💜”

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